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Learn what the recording icons in the guide and recording icons in the PVR mean to help you easily manage your PVR recordings.

Recording icons in PVR options

3/6/2017 Broken RecordingBroken RecordingPVR ListIndicates a recording that is unplayable
03-06-2017-protected-recordingProtected RecordingPVR List

Indicates a recording which is "Protected" and will not be automatically deleted by the PVR to make space for new recordings. Protected recordings must be deleted manually by the user.

Note: Performing a Factory Reset (Erase) will delete protected recordings (along with all other recordings and settings)

03-06-2017-watched-recordingWatched RecordingPVR ListIndicates a recording which has been at least 80% watched
03-06-2017-Expired-PPVExpired PPVPVR ListIndicates that a recorded PPV program has expired after it's 48 hour availability
03-06-2017-autotune-conflictAuto-Tune Conflict

Guide, PVR Options (Reminder Options*), PVR Upcoming

(Upcoming Reminders*),

Upcoming Air Dates

Indicates a conflicted auto-tune, which will NOT activate. There is another auto-tune set which interferes with this one. Delete the other auto-tune or modify the priority (HDPVR only)
03-06-2017-Onetime-recordingSmart One-Time RecordingPVR Options

Indicates a Smart One-time Recording Event. Will fire once at the first available airing which meets your recording parameters.

Please refer to the "Recording Icons in Guide" below for a listing of Recording Icons found outside of the PVR Options menu

03-06-2017-smart-recurring-recordingSmart Recurring RecordingPVR Options

Indicates a Recurring Recording Event. Also known as a "Series Recording Event". Will continue to fire indefinitely as long as episodes matching the specified settings continue to be found.

Please refer to the "Recording Icons in Guide" below for a listing of Recording Icons found outside of the PVR Options menu

03-06-2017-Onetime-recordingOne-Time RecordingPVR Options

Indicates a One-time Recording Event. Also known as an "Impulse Recording". Will only fire once at the indicated time.

Please refer to the "Recording Icons in Guide" below for a listing of Recording Icons found outside of the PVR Options menu

Recording icons in the guide

03-06-2017-scheduled-recordingRecording ScheduledGuideThis is an episode which meets your recording event criteria and is currently scheduled to be recorded
03-06-2017-recording-progressRecording in ProgressGuideThis is an episode which is currently being recorded. You can watch it from the beginning in your PVR List
03-06-2017-skipped-recordingSkipped EpisodeGuide

This is an episode which meets your recording event criteria but is not scheduled to be recorded because it is a duplicate episode which has already been recorded or is already scheduled to be recorded at a different time


  • HBO HD E typically airs new episodes at 9:00pm ET. HBO HD W airs the same new episode at 12:00am ET.The 12AM airing will be marked as a duplicate, since it was already recorded at 9PM
03-06-2017-recording-conflictRecording ConflictGuide

This is an episode which meets your recording event criteria but cannot be recorded due to a conflict. You can use the Upcoming Air Dates screen to try to find a different airing to record or PVR Upcoming to cancel one of the conflicting events. You can also raise the priority of the conflicted program in PVR Options or broaden the "Channels" parameter to ensure it is recorded


  • "Family Guy" airs at 9:00pm ET on Fox E HD. It is set to record with Priority 1.
  • "Desperate Housewives" airs at 9:00pm ET on ABC E HD. It is set to record with Priority 2.
  • "True Blood" airs at 9:00pm ET on HBO HD E. It is set to record with Priority 3. It will NOT be recorded, as it conflicts with 2 higher priority programs.
  • To ensure it is recorded, you could:
  • Use "View upcoming air dates" and schedule an impulse recording on HBO HD W at 12AM.
  • Raise the priority, so it gets recorded instead of one of the other two programs
  • Change the "Channels" parameter in PVR/Options to "HD only" so it will always automatically be recorded on HBO HD W in the event of a conflict
03-06-2017-incomplete-recordingIncomplete RecordingGuide

This program is incomplete and we are trying to re-record it.

  • This indicates a program which was not completely recorded. It is currently scheduled to be recorded in the next available slot.
No IconNot ScheduledGuide

This is an episode which does not meet your recording event criteria. It will not be recorded


  • An SD broadcast when PVR/Options specify "Channels: HD only"
  • A rerun when PVR/Options specify "Recurrence: New episodes"

With your HD Guide, the information pages for a program with one of the above icons will clearly indicate when a recording is scheduled or why it was not scheduled. Example:

3/6/2017 guide recording screen shot

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