How to order Pay-per-view on Shaw Direct
Order PPV through your 8XX set-top box Order PPV by phone Order PPV with a Customer AdvisorOverview
Shaw Direct customers can access Pay-per-view (PPV) movies and live events which can be found on channels 960 through 983. Adult PPV titles can be found from 685 – 694.Order PPV through your 8XX set-top box
Internet connected HDPVR 830 and HDDSR 800 set-top boxes are able to order PPV directly through your set-top box, using your remote. There is no ordering fee through this method.
First, connect to your home WiFi network:
- Press OPTIONS, select "WiFi Setup".
- Highlight your WiFi SSID, press ENTER.
- Using either the arrow keys, or the number keys (pressing "2" three times will enter 'c'), key in your WiFi password.
Once connected to WiFi, press ENTER on a PPV title to order.
Order PPV by phone
To incur no additional ordering fee, call our PPV automated hotline at 1-866-782-7778 and follow the prompts as outlined below. PPV ordered by phone are available on all set-top boxes currently active on your account.
- For self-serve pay-per-view ordering, press "1".
- If you are calling from the primary phone number on your account, press "1". Otherwise, press "2" and enter the phone number on your account.
- Select if you would like to order a movie or event by Order ID (found in your on-screen Guide and the PPV Store), by special event or by channel number.
Note: You may order a movie up to 30 minutes after it started to air using this method. As with all PPV titles, it will still begin at the scheduled start time as shown in the Guide.
Order PPV with a Customer Advisor
Call 1-888-554-7827 to have a live agent order your PPV title. You will be charged a $3 ordering fee.
Once ordered, your title will be available on all set-top boxes that are currently active on your account.
Note: You may order a movie up to halfway through the title (generally an hour) using this method.